July 19th 2024

Safeguarding Delaware’s Future: Conditions for the Capital One and Discover Merger Approval

The joint public meeting held by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Office of  the Comptroller of the Currency regarding the applications by Capital One Financial Corporation to  acquire Discover Financial Services and to merge Discover Bank into Capital One, National Association.

I’m Rashmi Rangan, longtime executive director of the Delaware Community Reinvestment  Action Council, better known as DCRAC—a Delaware nonprofit that has worked to ensure  equal access to credit and capital since 1987. Thank you for the opportunity to testify.


Today, I want to highlight the role Discover Bank has played in the lives of Delawareans and  our nonprofit sector. For those of us deeply committed to Community Reinvestment and to  leveraging the CRA on the ground, Discover has been a uniquely dedicated and critical  partner for years. 


The team—including Matthew Parks and Amy Walls—are Delaware legends and intimately  involved in the fabric of our community. They’re a part of it and know what the needs  are. They know who is attempting to meet those needs and how. When they see  sustainable solutions, they are all in—and not just with their dollars. Discover has long  offered social capital, volunteerism, and board leadership where and when they’re  needed. They also trust that we (established leaders in the community) know what we are  doing and enable our getting it done—exactly how trust-based philanthropy should work. 


Truly, we cannot afford to lose Discover’s essential brand of community reinvestment:  local, thoughtful, long-term, and sustainable.  

That’s why we had initially planned to oppose this merger.


Today, however, we are withdrawing our opposition, because Capital One has committed to  several actions that will maintain Discover’s impact on and support of our communities. 

  1. Most notably, Capital One promised to:
            • Honor Discover Bank’s Strategic Plan;
            • Maintain Discover’s Greenwood branch and add a Delaware Assessment Area;
            • Contribute $35 million in philanthropic dollars over 5 years to Delaware nonprofits.
            • Collaborate with Discover’s CRA Staff to integrate the CRA team.
            • AND MORE


Should this merger be approved, we ask that it is conditioned on Capital One keeping its  promises to Delaware AND that you institute necessary protections, structures, and  systems to address concerns around competition, consumer protections, safety and  soundness, and others that are sure to be raised today.


Thank you.