Financial stability isn’t just about money in the bank—it’s understanding what you do with it, and what can happen to it. Our services go alongside your financial needs: title, tax, estate planning, and more.

About DCRAC Law
Most attorneys and tax accountants cannot afford to take on low-wealth clients or clients with complicated issues to resolve. For instance, a low-income taxpayer is 5 times more likely to be audited by the IRS than a higher-income taxpayer—but much less likely to have the means to sort out their financial life. Such cases are our entire practice. From representing clients before the IRS and in U.S. Tax Court to untangling homeownership documentation through the Title Project, our low- and no-cost services enable every client to take advantage of the same opportunities their affluent counterparts take for granted. Annually, we serve 300 clients, protect over $10 million in assets, and provide consultation to over 600 clients on estate planning, tax issues, titles, and more.
Many complex factors—historic, societal, economic, and more—contribute to the racial wealth disparities and inequality of access that have built our current society. We recognize that individuals, families, and businesses facing barriers to economic mobility need the same structural supports that the affluent take for granted—legal counsel, financial education, banking services, and consumer protections—yet have far less guidance in navigating these essential spaces.
That’s why we offer interventions that address the root structural problems behind systemic discrimination.
Federally funded poverty law addresses all aspects of legal entanglement except criminal and in Delaware the two areas we serve—estate and tax law.
Advancing Minority Property Ownership through Titling Heirs’ Property & Estate Planning since 2019
Low-wealth communities without access to estate law services get tangled in title issues that deprive them of the full benefit of owning a home--unable to tap into the home’s value, unable to sell or take out equity loans, or get homeowner’s insurance or qualify for programs aimed at helping them. In 2019, the wealth gap between black and white households is startling- Black households had 14.5 percent of the wealth of white households, with an absolute dollar gap of $838,2201. One way we address the perpetuation of racial and economic inequities is through estate planning.
Without the legal services we provide, families could lose their wealth, and, in some cases, it could effectively land them in poverty--- some without a home to live in.
Ensuring the tax system works fairly for all
For those experiencing financial hardship, the potential monetary impact of a tax controversy can be devastating. A tax controversy can arise from the IRS denying a claim for an anti-poverty credit or imposing a penalty for failing to follow the requirements of the Affordable Care Act. Problems can emanate from a job loss, a divorce, an illness, an unsuccessful business venture, failure to file taxes and taxes that were computed incorrectly. The IRS has a variety of powerful tools at its disposal to collect unpaid liabilities. Choosing the appropriate avenue for seeking relief and communicating with the IRS can be overwhelming.
But even more, we want to help you prevent big problems by taking the right steps right now.